Project Life title page

10:58 PM MeganKP 0 Comments

After Becky's HUGE post this week, with so much inspiration, as well as some pinterest surfing, i finally finished my title page for project life! I am so happy with the result i love how it turned out!
I went and stocked up on some ink for my portable photo printer today, so i could print my first week of photos, as well as finish my 2011 album. Which is close to being done so i will share soon!

Anyway, here's my title page:
p.s. it was taken from my iphone, so it's not very clear, but when i charge my camera i will take another clearer picture. 

I wanted a self portrait, and right now this is my favorite picture of myself, it was taken sometime this year. I also saw Cathy Zielske's title page this week and i loved the quote she put on her's, so i modified it to suit my project, because i am doing this project about me and my year, the other one just didn't fit. And then i included another self portrait in photobooth with my holga, i thought it fit because it is a photography based project. And then i added some thickers to one of becky's clementine cards for 2012, and then wrote my name on that final  postcard one! and voila! Done!